Wednesday 18 December 2013

Publication plan

Evaluation of the college magazine

In my college magazine I have created two pieces of work, a front cover and a contents page. This was my preliminary exercise so therefore it was not developed to the best of my abilities. The college magazine's front cover was very basic yet I had incorporated some conventions that are typically seen in a magazine, for example, on the front cover I added a poof, this was to show something more prominently as it jumps out at the reader of the magazine. Also, I added a cover star, the cover star was a member of the college so it means that the audience can relate to the magazine more as the person is like them. Also I added a mast head, the mast head was prominent and bold to attract attention from the reader. I also used a consistent house style of red and white colours as these together are eye catching colours. On the contents page I did not use as many conventions as I did on the front cover, but I did incorporate some such as photos of people around the college, these photos were effective because they showed places round the college that the audience could identify with in order to make the readers feel more comfortable reading the magazine. I also set the contents out like a typical contents page in order to make my magazine more professional, yet the design work on the contents page did not have any detail and this was the main flaw in the work.

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Initial plans for my magazine

Title: BMS magazine

Price: £3.99

Frequency of publication: Monthly

Issue size: 80 pages

Regular content: album reviews/ interviews/ Q&A sessions/

Feature articles:
  • On the road with Kasabian!

  • Studio news: Arctic Monkeys to drop another new album?

  • Exclusive: Jake Bugg reveals all!

  • Is an Oasis reunion on the cards?

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Music magazines and their conventions

Music magazines and their conventions.


Rolling Stone
Record Collector
Top of the pops
Classical Magazine

Magazine conventions:

Incentives (free CD's)
Music related stories
Date/ issue number
House style
Artist names
Sub stories
Music related stories

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Preliminary exercise

Magazine name:
Student Life

Priestley Life
Fetialis Aevum- College Life in Latin
The Can'Teen'
Carpe Diem
College Life

How to guarantee yourself an A!
Quick and easy ways to revise!
How to perfect getting into college on time!
Football team does it again!
College events coming up!
Win a free iPad!
How to make sure you meet your deadlines



The content that will regularly feature on my contents page will be interviews with staff and teachers and news about holidays.
"Exclusive on the new building!"
"The football team score a win!"
"How to achieve easy A's!"
"What's the hardest subject in the college? We take a look!"
"How to find your way round the college!"
"is one of our students going to the Olympics?"
"How can you help the college this term?"
"Is there anything you can get involved with?"
"Performing arts put on a masterpiece!"
"Life after college"


The magazine is the first project of it's kind that I have produced, meaning it is the first magazine that I have created. For a first attempt, it is ok as I had little understanding of the tools required yet there could be vast improvements to it. I have incorporated some of the conventions that a magazine typically has like subheadings, a mast head and a cover star. Also it follows a consistent house style on the front cover and the contents page of red white and black so it further follows the conventions of a magazine. The magazine could be improved by making the designs more slick and professional as it is obvious that it is a student project, I would do this by including more conventions on the magazine and making it more original, I think that if I re-did this project at the end of the course my understanding would be better and my magazine would be more developed. One of the tools that I used in this production was an SLR camera, I used this in order to gather photos for my magazine. I took photos of students and key areas around the college so that if it was published it would all be familiar content. Also, I have used Photoshop to design my front cover for the magazine. I used Photoshop so that I could incorporate shapes like poofs in order to add more conventions to my magazine. I also used Quark in this production in order to edit and create a contents page, I used Quark for this as it was not a familiar piece of equipment for me so I had to get practice with it, also it meant that I was then able to shape the columns for my contents. Although, the issue with Quark is that it is difficult to do any design work on it and is mainly for the layout so the contents page was not developed in terms of design. 

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Conventions of a magazine and magazine names


Rolling Stone
Record Collector
Top of the pops
Classical Magazine

Magazine conventions:

Incentives (free CD's)
Music related stories
Date/ issue number
House style
Artist names
Sub stories
Music related stories

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Initial ideas for my magazine

  • The magazine will cost £3.49
  • The magazine will be produced once per month
  • The average issue size will be 80 pages
  • The regular content will be music/film/entertainment
  • The feature articles will be interviews, reviews, profiles of celebrity, a how-to article, or an article about international news or events

Researching the market place

  • The price per issue is £3.99, you can also get a 12 month subscription for £27.99 or a 24 month subscription for £55.98
  • It is printed in the UK and there are 12 issues produced per year.
  • The magazine has 136 pages.
  • The usual content in the magazine is interviews with music artists/bands, they also do album reviews, events and other things including film, fashion and competitions.
  • A feature article
Examples of alternative/rock and indie music magazines

Initial ideas

I am going to be producing a magazine that combines mainstream music and underground music along with indie music to create a blend, my target audience will be people from ages 15-26 years old. The name of the magazine will be BMS magazine and I will publish it monthly. The magazine will cost somewhere between £2-£4 and will feature content about artists.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Conventions of a double page spread


House Style
Page number
Side bar
Catergory text
Leading text
Main body text
Drop cap